Support New Crosswalks on Broadway Ave.
For more than a year, we've been working with a Broadway neighborhood group to improve their street. This spring, we won $100K in City funding for new crosswalks. There are currently no crosswalks on Broadway between Seabright and Branciforte, and it is often difficult for people biking and walking to cross the street.
Next Monday, November 16, the Transportation and Public Works Commission will review a plan for four new crosswalks at the intersections of Cayuga, Pennsylvania, Pine and Caledonia. We need your help to get this plan approved! If you support new crosswalks on Broadway, send an email to Commissioners at by 5pm on November 16.
For more information about this project, visit:
Sample letter:
Dear Transportation and Public Works Commissioners,
Please approve the concept plan for the Upper Broadway Corridor Pedestrian Improvement Project. New crosswalks will make it easier to bike and walk in the Broadway neighborhood, where crossing the busy street is often a challenge. This project will also help kids get to nearby Gault Elementary and Branciforte Middle School more easily, and help reduce traffic speeds on Broadway.
Thank you for your consideration,